
Code of Canon Law: New English Translation is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Code of Canon Law covers all aspects of the visible Church of the Roman Rite. It regulates the administration of the Sacraments, the mutual relations of the faithful, protects the rights of individuals and associations, and sustains the common initiatives of the world-wide Catholic Church. Throughout, it permeates the ecclesiology of communion based on justice and charity that is so...

CAN. 843 §1.† Sacred ministers cannot deny the sacraments to those who seek them at appropriate times, are properly disposed, and are not prohibited by law from receiving them. §2.† Pastors of souls and other members of the Christian faithful, according to their respective ecclesiastical function, have the duty to take care that those who seek the sacraments are prepared to receive them by proper evangelization and catechetical instruction, attentive to the norms issued by competent authority. CAN.
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